May 05, 2011

The Digestive System

Did you know that your intestines and organs as well as your heart is an organ? Your intestines are not just a bunch of tubes in your body that carry food from one end to another. They are actually living things, which actively absorb, secrete, sending signals and metabolism.

As humans, we can eat whatever he wants our heart and our gut do all the work for us. But, like all of us experienced at one time or another, certain foods come with a price. Because there are so many different types of food available to us is because each individual body reacts differently to them, it would be wise for us all to better understand how cancer work in our digestive system.

As we all know, food passes through the esophagus into the stomach through twenty to six meters from the small intestine, then rests in the colon while your body is ready to pass out. Just like the pipes in our house, our "pipes" in our bodies can clog, break and leak.

Once your food down your esophagus, hanging in your stomach for awhile. longer stays in it, you will feel fuller and less you eat. After the stomach, food passes into the small intestine and is mixed with green bile. Bile is a fluid from the liver to surround and emulsify fat in your belly. This process helps to digest food more efficiently. hose pipes are 26 meters. small intestine are where most food nutrients are absorbed. bowel, colon or shorter and wider and absorbs water in the form of feces.

Chemically, your intestines and your brain is the organ most similar to each other. neurotransmitters and hormones are very similar. neurons in your intestines to help keep the muscles that line the gastrointestinal tract to move the food down. Food to have such an impact on how you feel. You May feel the effects of depression, bloating, lethargy, sensitivity, and even your waistline. Your small intestines are always you know what's going on inside you. delicate lining consists of a unique immune cells that recognize the foods that can not be tolerated. This delicate organ and the brain sends a signal to let you know, "uh-oh, " what is happening. signal can be in the form of gas, straining or cramping.

through the digestive system have a vascular system which is aimed at providing the nutrients from food to parts of the main organs of the body. After the small intestine decides what to hold on to, transporting the waste to a place called the cecum. cecum is a reservoir at the beginning of the colon, which keeps the liquid from the small intestine.

of water that remains from the previous meal goes from the cecum and colon. colon's job is to suck the liquid back into the body. From this process, a solid mass of waste is formed. As the weight becomes more difficult, makes his "journey to the muscles rectum which is at the bottom of your digestive system. What you end up in the toilet is a good insight into your intestinal health.

your feces should ideally be a S-shape, as opposed to marble-sized pellets. If this is not the right shape, it is a sign that your bowel does not work, as they could be and they need a little help to correct the problem.

In order to ensure that everything runs smoothly through the digestive system and what is most important to avoid certain diseases, it is important to include the three main things in your lifestyle - fiber, exercise and adequate amounts of water. fiber helps add bulk to your stool, exercise helps to speed up the digestive process and helps to facilitate water supply hose to suck out the liquid.

Fiber helps the digestive food bulky and soft. With the proper consistency through the colon easily. If there is a lack of fiber in the system, the pressure is place on the intestinal tube, which can lead to diseases such as diverticulitis and hemorrhoids.

Fiber is found only in plant foods. This is a wonderful thing in that it contains zero calories, but it makes you feel full and satisfied, therefore, not overeating. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble - both are great for you. Insoluble fiber is found in foods such as grapefruit, raisins, grapes, oranges, dried fruits, sweet potatoes, peas, zucchini, whole wheat or whole grain bread (make sure the label says whole grains, not just 5 or 7 grain cereal. It should be whole grains that are effective). Soluble fiber dissolves in water, and regulate metabolism and digestion and stabilizes blood glucose levels. It is mostly found in cereals such as oats, barley, rye, and legumes such as beans, peas, lentils and some cereals.

The average fiber intake in adults is 12 grams per day. If adults are eating 25 grams a day they will be three years younger in real age. If you were to increase your fiber just 10 grams per day, the risk of heart attacks would be reduced by 29%. Below is a list of eight fast and smart fiber foods can begin to eat:

Cheerios 1 cup = 3 grams
Oatmeal 1 cup = 4 grams
Peanuts 30 = 5 grams
Almonds 24 grams = 5
Soya beans ½ cup = 10 grams
Artichoke 1 large = 10 grams
Buckwheat cereal 1 cup = 10 grams
Lima beans 3 Tbs = 13 grams

Water is a natural lubricant that helps everything flow through your system smoothly. To ensure proper hydration and body functions, it is important to drink eight glasses of water a day (64 oz ).

Physical activity through exercise is always a good thing in general, especially when it comes to helping your digestive system to work most effectively. Movement allows food to pass through more quickly and efficiently. Simply doing physical exercises for twenty minutes, three times a week can make a big difference. You have to do twenty minutes of sustained physical activity which leads you to be a little out of breath, or enough to break a sweat.

In conclusion, the digestive system is a fascinating and important role in our overall health function. What do we do to it makes a huge difference in how you feel and the outcome of disease prevention.


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