EPA - This Omega 3 fatty acids, found abundantly in fish oil, tops my list of supplements can affect the way you react to stress, anxiety and depression
I have been singing praise this add customers for a couple of years, and saw first-hand can make a difference in the lives of those who take it regularly. Indeed, there is a growing body of evidence that pure EPA helps to improve mental function, stabilizes mood and helps us to deal more effectively with stress and anxiety.
For the pure EPA has proven useful not only for people who suffer from stress, but it had a really positive impact on the individual experiencing bi-polar disorder (also known as manic depression), depression, and mood swings. In addition, EPA has been shown to improve memory, concentration and mental processing. As if this were not enough, she also proved to be beneficial in treating skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and acne.
Although the bottles labeled "EPA" can easily be purchased at most health food stores, they too often contain a high proportion of DHA is mixed with the EPA. Almost all research has been conducted with pure EPA and so, when choosing a supplement, it is important is to choose fish oil high in EPA and DHA in the low to get the maximum benefit. UK residents can check mind1st.co.uk when considering the purchase of the EPA, while those outside the UK will need to go online to find suppliers. In my experience, it is really worth the effort and cost.
St John's Wort - Often called 'Nature's Prozac', St John's wort is also sometimes referred to as the "sunshine vitamin", although this is not a vitamin, herbal supplement, but
.St John's wort has been used for centuries in Europe to treat mental disorders and pain relief, and while it is not recommended in cases of depression, this herb has itself proved to be beneficial in the treatment of mild to moderate depression, anxiety disorders and mood.
is considered to be an active agent in St John's Wort works to prevent neurons or brain cells from re-absorption of serotonin - commonly called 'happiness molecules' - thus stimulating the abundance of this important, affecting the mood chemical messenger in the brain. Some scientists have suggested that it works by reducing the amount of protein that is involved in normal immune function.
But, whatever its mechanism, it certainly seems to have had a significant impact on many clients I have recommended it.
because St John's Wort can inter-react with certain medications, do not forget to check with your health advisor before taking this powerful supplement.
After cleaned, look forward to seeing results within a few weeks of regular supplementation.
Vitamin B Complex - B complex vitamins are necessary for a healthy nervous system regulation. Indeed, without these essential nutrients, not only would we cease to exist physically, but in the end everything will grind to a halt.
Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are needed for the effective functioning of the brain and entire nervous system. Indeed, the lack of any B vitamin can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety and depression, not to mention the feeling of tiredness and lethargy.
At the age of convenience and fast foods, with emphasis on marketing and profits, it can be difficult to get sufficient quantity and quality of these important nutrients. Also, since each of the B vitamin works in close synergy with others, the lack of any B vitamin can cause poor functioning of others - even if they are in abundant supply in the diet. Therefore, it is wisest to B complex vitamins in full. Because B vitamins are water soluble, any excess easily excreted in urine.
Do be sure to read the label before buying, however. Cheap Vitamin B complex can often be in short of vitamin B6, because it is relatively expensive to produce vitamins. Also, since vitamin B12 in particular is not easily absorbed when taken orally, to see the preparation that has vitamins in an ideal "chelated" form. It simply means that the vitamins are associated with amino acids so that they can be effectively absorbed and utilized in the body. Of course, chelated vitamins cost a bit more, but it's well worth that little extra.
Anyway, what's really important is not so much what you swallow, but what we actually absorb.
I'd try these supplements for three months and notice how your mood and mental functioning change and improve.
IMPORTANT: This information is not a substitute for medical or nutritional advice. Because certain supplements are contra-indicated for some individuals, especially those other drugs, before starting any supplementation program you are advised to contact your physician or other qualified health worker.
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