December 23, 2008

Cervical Cancer Yank Lives of Women

Cervical Cancer Yank Lives of Women
One of the quite famous disease at this time is cancer. Cancer with the various variants, from attacking the skin, bones, even genital implementation, is a serious problem that is being cultivated to be reduced, and evidently the death rate from this disease is quite high, in fact increased in a significant manner.

Cancer symbolized as a silent kill, because it may also be classified as asymptomatic (present but without symptoms). Usually, people complain when the cancer is in its advanced stages, as you may heard the killer cancer, it’s a type of cancer that is feared by women which occurs in layers of Endometrium (cervix uteri), that is an area to the organ of the female reproduction, which is located between the uterus and vagina.

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor disease due to the cervix uteri or cervical area as a result of the growth of a network that is not controlled and damage to the surrounding normal network. Cervical cancer is the number two of killer cancer that happen to women in the world after breast cancer.

In fact, the cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infections, about 99.7 percent cervical cancer caused by HPV Oncogenic. But not all HPV that cause cervical cancer, from 70 types of HPV that are known at this time only 13 types of HPV that closely with cervical cancer, the type is 16, 18, 31, 33, 36, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68.

There are several factors that can enhance the possibility of HPV infection changed to cancer, among other, abnormal sex habits, take turns pairing, smoking, less consume of vegetables and fruits, married at a very young age, as well as increasingly old age. For women who married at a young age, sexual relations were carried out during cervix not strong enough, so that the virus easily be penetrated. Whereas, for the woman who has been old, the higher the risk because of decline in the process of recovery from the cells, thus more easily be penetrated by a virus.

There is currently no medical treatment, or even the most advanced which can remove or kill the virus completely up in the body. But the only way is to have Pap smear screening, it can identify potentially precancerous changes, cervical screening programs has reduced the incidence of invasive cervical cancer by 50% or more. Therefore, prevention against this virus is very important in case of cervical cancer or transmit cervical cancer, because the virus can only move on sexual relations.


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