During the past few years there has been a real concern about the dangers of high mercury levels from fish such as shark, mackerel, swordfish and a stronghold of traditional weight loss and reducing fat diet used by everyone from individuals trying to lose weight to competitive bodybuilders and fitness models. While seen as a staple, it is always my preference for food that has not gone as little processing as possible. That being said, as unpleasant as it May be, it is always best to have fresh fish as a main need your seafood. However, understanding the difficulties are still fresh foods, such as the choice of canned tuna are fine, as long as they are consumed in moderate quantities.
This article provides some insight into the problem are living in a popular canned tuna, and also introduces tongol tuna, low mercury tuna fish that is my strong recommendation for anyone who is tuna fish in their diet. Mercury levels in the side, always be sure to choose canned tuna tongol that is packed in water without added salt or high-sodium vegetable broth. If you can not find a free choice of salt, then be sure to thoroughly wash the tuna with warm water to get as much of the excess sodium from as much as possible. That said, here's everything you ever wanted to know about the tune:
Nearly all fish contain some amounts of methyl, from natural and artificial sources. Factory chimney emissions are high in toxic mercury emissions gets into rivers, lakes and oceans when it returns to earth via precipitation. mercury is then broken down bacteria in a form that is easily absorbed by insects and other small organisms. The predatory cycle, mercury moves up the food chain as small fish eat the small organisms and large fish eat smaller fish. higher food chain, as higher levels of mercury concentrations accumulate in large predators such as shark, swordfish, and our favorite time tune.
In 2000 the FDA came out with the first of several warnings about significant levels of mercury in canned tuna, especially for children and pregnant women. Mercury, very much like lead, can cause severe neurological impairment, inability to focus and pay attention, delayed language development, impaired memory, vision and motor coordination, and problems processing information. It affects children and pregnant women worst as mercury is neurotoxicty may harm the fetus and negatively affect the development of young children.
At the time of the warning, I was a bodybuilder who consumed often as five cans a day, and one that advocates the tuna as a staple for my clients prepare for the competition, as it was a real blow to my diet, and I lowered my input (though, stubbornly, I realized that the number of canned tuna that I ate during his career, when the mercury was a problem, then I should be pretty much the thermometer by now), but not too drastically. What is worse is that albacore tuna (the better tasting one) had much higher levels than chunk light tuna and tuna so pretty no longer could serve as a staple that it once was, and I found other sources to supplement my protein intake.
As time went by and I became more and more health conscious, the idea of fish in a can in itself is not very appetizing prospect. In accordance with (what is now called) Intensive course approach to health and fitness, I saw the usefulness of food as far more important than comfort, and I made every effort imaginable to eat only foods that were in its natural form, and I would go to any length to ensure that my food comes from as a safe and natural resources as possible (if I do what I do, I'd probably be growing their own food and hunting, to be honest .)
But despite his withdrawal from the tuna, due to health are more important than the comfort that it is ready to eat a protein source offered, my clients still looks like it's cheap and easy way to satisfy their protein needs (especially with regard my stance against the use of protein powders, etc.). I cook everything I eat, all six to seven meals, and I spend a significant amount of time doing so, but I was very aware that it is hard on the border is impossible for many of my clients to be able to do the same, so I always kept my eyes open for alternative solutions that will help them achieve their goals. To simplify life for most of them, I advised that if they ate tuna to choose the light version of a piece of albacore, because it is actually a completely different species and tuna has lower mercury levels, and remain within the recommended levels.
Tongol Tuna: a better choice
One day, about a year ago, I happened to find tongol tune in one of the local organic markets that I frequent (my weekly shopping usually takes me about 3-4 different stores to get everything I need, as I told my commitment to getting the best food is really something I take seriously). I picked up a can and looked up when I got home, because I had never heard of before tongol tuna. Tongol tuna comes mostly from Thailand and Indonesia, and negligible levels of mercury as a much smaller fish and so on the food chain from their albacore and blue fin relatives.
But what's really striking about the taste. I have done just about everything for the scarf down cans of tuna over the years and I've always seen it as a necessary evil, as well as taste and smell starts getting to you after a while. Tongol tune, however, came packed in spring water and have not had a strong odor or unpleasant taste. In fact, it tasted pretty good-something I never thought I would say about the tune at this point in my life, but he does not.
Not only tongol tuna flavor is far superior than albacore, but it is also cheaper (be careful here, as we live in a demand driven market, so as more people start to take it, the value will go up). They even come in pop top cans, which make opening and eating a breeze. There are no added ingredient in many brands, no soy, vegetable broth, or MSG additives, just tongol tuna and water, which in turn keeps the level of sodium is negligible as well. So at the end of the day, taking the lower mercury, cheap prices and great taste, tongol tuna is really an informed choice for someone looking for something quick and easy healthy meal.
My clients can not stop raving about it, and neither can members of some of the forums that I talked about it. I personally still prefer to limit your intake at this time for the most part, and get the vast majority of my fish fresh from the source (I eat about 1-2 pounds of fish a day, mostly a variety of tropical fish that I grew up eating in my adopted home in Trinidad, who also low in mercury that is not always easy to find, but like I said, I pull out all the stops ).
That's all I said, I encourage everyone to try tongol tuna. Here in New York, it's available at most better organic type stores, but it is also popping up in regular supermarkets as well, I would imagine as demand grows. They fly off the shelves pretty quickly here, so I would assume that it is very much the case.
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